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Working hand in hand in 2022

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This year 4 of our most vulnerable children start their formal schooling in Grade R at Heatherdale Primary School in Athlone. To assist with their transition into the new system COLT has committed to their parents and the Principal of Heatherdale to provide the children with uniforms, stationery and daily transport to school. Working hand in hand with the children’s parents and their new Grade R teachers the staff and volunteers at COLT will be supporting the 4 families as much as possible.

If you are able to assist with school supplies and uniforms, or wish to volunteer in 2022 kindly contact Mala Maitri Makan on 084 9194864.

If you wish to make a donation please follow the link

Kindly note that the name of the COLT bank account has changed to Children of Light Educare Trust. The Bank account number and branch remain unchanged.

Bank:  Absa (savings account)

Name:  Children of Light Educare Trust

Account No:  93 2207 3615

Branch:  632005 (Claremont)

Kindly email your contact details and proof of payment to Devi at

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