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Gardening at Colt

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Gardening sessions this term started in the classroom with children sitting quietly, listening to a rendition of Frédéric Chopin’s ‘Waterfall’.  Then we made a list of what plants need to grow and thrive. Going outdoors into the garden I picked leaves for the children to smell – we smelt the leaves of mint, lavender, spearmint, rosemary, and nutmeg pelargonium.

At the worm farm children stood on chairs to watch the worms, and feed them vegetable peels, apple cores, kitchen scraps and water. I was able to quickly identify helpers who were keen to help manage the worm farm! Composting and planting of vegetable and herb seedlings are activities lined up for the end of February.

Children were then introduced to the Peace Garden and learnt that this corner of tranquility was a safe space to take a break when they were feeling upset or feeling sad. They held the smooth stones and figurines in their hands and watched the sun dance off the glass mosaic that is mounted on the wall. Before going in for snack time we all sang ‘blessings on the blossoms’ which the children enthusiastically recited, together with the hand gestures. Creativity and wonderment is born from our five senses therefore children need to be out in nature as much as possible.

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