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Birthday Campaign

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The children and teachers at COLT wish to continue sharing their stories with you and one way that you can help us is to ‘Sponsor a Child’. Click here to donate.

During August and September teacher Nushfeekah, class assistants Juliet and Siyasanga, and COLT driver Asim will be sharing their stories. Today we briefly look back at some of the children’s stories that we have shared with you over the past 4 years.

JW who overcame her attention seeking behaviour and tantrums by slowly developing the capacities for relationships and self-regulation in the healing environment at COLT. She was awarded a full scholarship to Christel House.

MM who had poor physical co-ordination and speech on admission and by spending one on one time working with the earth in the garden his confidence grew and school became a ‘safe space’ for him. His despair when in 2020 lockdown kept him at home with his stepdad and new baby sibling.

DP who through his love of cooking at school we saw his independence emerge when in fantasy play he cooked and proudly shared his meals with teachers and the other children.

LJ who when his dad suggested he become a truck driver, said no he is going to be a pilot and fly aeroplanes.

KM who now attends school regularly, wears clean clothes and engages in all his activities as a result of an intervention support program developed for his abused mother by an intern Occupational Therapy Student from UCT who was working at COLT.

Two brothers 4 and 9 years old cared for by their dad who is out looking for work every day, staying in their shack alone not knowing when they would receive their next meal, bath or a decent night sleep.

The vision at COLT remains one of offering love and healing to vulnerable and traumatised children.

“The memory of a place where all is whole and complete remains with us all our lives”

-Julia Onken

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