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Donate to Colt’s ‘Learn to Swim’ Campaign

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This month COLT children started swimming lessons at Stars Swimming School, just an 8 minute walk from the Educare. A number of our families live in a settlement which backs onto a canal where young children have drowned in the past. A ‘learn to swim’ and ‘water safety’ program could help to prevent our children drowning when near a body of water. Also, programs like this enhance the overall wellbeing and development of children.

Costs to COLT are – R3 400 per month which covers 4 lessons per month for each child.

Help us by sponsoring a child for as little as R179 per month for a period of 6 – 12 months. Follow the link for payment information and banking details Kindly send an email to Devi Harker at notifying her of your offering.

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