Tuesday was an emotional and very happy day for one of Children of Light Educare’s (COLT) graduates. It was her first day in Grade 1 at a local Primary School! She enrolled at COLT in 2019 and staff spent a huge amount of time counselling and assisting her mother with obtaining identification documents at Home Affairs.
Her love of learning thrived while she was at COLT. This year, at the age of 8 years she received her identification documents and was accepted into Grade 1 at a Primary School. COLT funds covered the costs of her school uniform and stationery.
At COLT we believe that each child holds within them the seed of potential no matter what socio- economic background. Our model of Early Childhood Education is based on the concept that the child is the curriculum. The content of the curriculum and the teaching methodology is aligned to the stage of development of the child.
This integrated approach centres around the needs of the whole child. The thread that runs throughout the organisation, from Trustees, to the operational team, teachers, cook, driver, and volunteers is based on the principles of yoga – serve, love, focus learn. Be Good, Do Good. To nurture our vision staff and volunteers are invited to a 3 day Integral Yoga Retreat in January each year, a Yoga Day each term, and regular Yoga Philosophy sessions when universal teachings of all cultures and religions are shared.
COLT children come from three extremely poor, vulnerable and depressed communities. Staff have established a trusting relationship with all the community leaders and parents. We work hand in hand with our parents forming a supportive partnership. Primary school principals are encouraged to contact COLT staff if there are any issues with COLT graduates. In one instance teacher and Social Auxiliary Worker, Nushfeekah was contacted after a parent walked into a School Principal’s office, drunk and verbally abusive. Nushfeekah immediately visited the parent at home and explained the consequences in a manner that was firm yet respectful. Since observation forms a significant part of learning, children/learners will learn from the examples in their lives, especially from their teachers. And this is why the Children of Light Educare is an institution at which Yoga forms the foundation of education.