Our COLT Principal and teachers were delighted to receive the organisation’s certificate of registration from the Department of Basic Education last week! This means that as an Early Childhood Development Centre we are operating legally and in compliance with the standards and policies of the department, and may now qualify for subsidies and funding from the Government. The largest annual cost to our organisation is staff salaries and an application to gain access to funding from the Department of Social Development was submitted this week.
The registration process is extremely costly, rigorous and complex. Our organisation commenced with registration in 2014, this was initially with the Department of Social Development until 1st April 2022 when it was handed over to the Department of Education to administer. Public donations and support from corporates for some of our larger projects has sustained COLT over the years, and by the Grace of God children have been fed, educated and transported to and from the Educare, and staff salaries have been paid on time. The next step is to make application for our Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) Certificate which is essential when seeking International and Corporate funding.
For our organisation to continue with the amazing work that it does at the Educare and in our communities we rely on your loving support and generosity. Know that your donation will help us to serve COLT children and their communities. Follow the link to Donate